Rhapsody in Blue

Before the blueberry season ends here in Florida, run — don’t walk — to your favorite U-pick farm and get yourself a load of this sweet, succulent superfood.

For such a small berry, it is packed with nutrition. According to the Blueberry Council, blueberries are jam-packed with Vitamin C (important for tissue growth and wound healing), dietary fiber (great for digestive and heart health) and manganese (essential for bone health and converting foods into energy). Blueberries also contain antioxidants that can help with memory as we age. What’s more, these little babies are only 80 calories per cup and have zilch fat. (more…)

What Flow Fitness Boutique Offers That a Gym Can’t

I’m a freelance writer. Trust me when I tell you I am not raking in gobs of money. But I decided to join Flow Fitness Boutique over a big, chain gym (aka treadmill farm) despite the heftier fees.

I’ve belonged to big gyms before and I would almost immediately fall into a rut. I’d use the same cardio machines (hey elliptical, do you miss me?) over and over. I almost completely ignored the weights (I’d get impatient with the sweaty guys who hung out on the benches doing more resting between reps than actual reps). I’d try a few group fitness classes but with 30 or more people crammed into the studio, it was easy to just melt into a corner and haplessly make my way through the class. (more…)

4 Reasons Why Gyms With Child Care Rock

gyms with child care in Riverview FLYou’re a mom first, fitness enthusiast second. But wouldn’t it be great if you could be both at the same time? That’s where gyms with child care come in. They allow you to have the best of both worlds — a killer workout for you, fun and games for them. So give the jogging stroller a rest and pack up the diaper bag. 

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