Unhealthy Lifestyle, Part 1: Poor Food Choices

Americans sadly live unhealthy lifestyles now more than ever. Over the next few weeks, we will look at four aspects of an unhealthy lifestyle: poor food choices, not exercising, stress and poor sleep habits. We will examine a positive approach to each of these and how you can overcome each one of these lifestyle choices using exercise to help you.

8 Ways Exercising with a Partner Can Motivate You to Workout

When it’s time to work out, you might prefer to just stay home, enjoy some extra sleep and indulge in an extra cup of coffee. You simply don’t feel motivated to get up and get moving. However, you can boost your excitement about exercising and keep yourself on track with fitness goals by looking for a workout partner. She will encourage you — and vice versa — to make the healthy decisions that you need to stay fit. Here are eight ways that exercising with a partner can keep your motivation level high.

Four Reasons You Might Be Neglecting Your Workout

You started off the New Year with the best intentions but have gradually quit working out during the last few weeks. Take a look at four reasons you might have stopped working out to see if you can reclaim your motivation.


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