2017 Women’s Fitness Trends: Fitness as Medicine 

Fitness trends come and go, some of which change the face of the industry. Science makes regular advances in the medical and biological fields, including in physical activity and its effects on the body. (more…)

Want fit kids? Let them see you exercise.

mommy and me classes at flow fitnessExercise does a body good — and that goes for kids as well as adults. But with the lure of TV, video games and electronic devices, kids seem to be getting less and less of the activity their bodies need.

Enter mom.

Researchers in Britain gave more than 500 mothers and their 4-year-olds activity trackers and monitored their movements. Their findings were encouraging.  (more…)

Fight Fat With Water

You probably already know that drinking water helps control your body temperature, lubricates your joints and flushes wastes and toxins from your system. But did you know that it can also fight fat?

In a recent study, researchers followed nearly 16,000 non-obese Spanish adults for 8.5 years. They found that those who replaced one beer or sweetened soda with a glass of water daily had a 15 to 20 percent lower risk of developing the disease.

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