By Marlin Birkey, A Licensed Family Therapist

There is a pervasive belief in society, and entrenched in many of our minds, that our true worth as persons is defined by our performance or productivity. When we are doing well, and when things are going well, we feel positive and self-confident. But when our performance begins to slip, or when things don’t turn out as we expected, our sense of value begins to slip as well, often resulting in anxious striving to get things “fixed” so that we can feel better about ourselves.


The 5 Benefits of Barre That Will Keep You Going Back for More

Barre-based fitness classes have risen in popularity over the past few years, no doubt influenced by those of us wanting to channel super-fit ballerinas like Misty Copeland. If you have a drawer full of leggings and keep a pair of sticky socks in your purse, know that you’re not alone.

8 Reasons To Stop Drinking Energy Drinks

This article originally appeared on Huffington Post by Cassie Shortsleeve.

Energy drinks make big claims: They’ll power you through your day, up your concentration, make your life more EXTREME. But the reality is that energy drinks are more likely to cause you to crash harder than any cup of coffee ever could, disrupt your concentration, and potentially ruin your health—from your teeth to your heart. It’s time to stop sipping. Here are eight reasons to quit the can.


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